Pompo The Cinephile Anime. The series centers on Joelle Davidovich Pomponette Pompo-san a talented film producer at the movie capital Nyallywood Despite her prowess to see through to the potential of actors and staff and bring out their talent to the fullest she has. The Cinephile previously a manga by Shôgu Sugitani is a genuine often-relatable love letter to the art of movies no matter what level they are.
Pompo Pomponette a prolific producer of trashy B-movies and sexy flicks operating out of Nyallywood the worlds film capital. Belle Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko Pompo the Cinephile Poupelle of Chimney Town Confirmed Eligible for Oscars Dec 6 2021 Belle Pompo Anime Films Screen at. Gene Fini is a nervous but devoted film fanatic working in the movie capital of Nyallywood running errands for the baby-faced movie producer Joelle Davidovich Pompo Pomponette.
True to its source material it wears its love and appreciation for film on its sleeve celebrating creativity without shying away from the mind- and body-breaking process that carries artists from beginning to end.
The Cinephile Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san is a 2017 on-going online manga by Shogo Sugitani that has been turned into a 2021 anime movie by Studio CLAP. That is because that is exactly what it is. When Pompo starts working on a new project she gives Gene the opportunity of a lifetime. Based on the manga by Shogo Sugitani Pompo the Cinéphile comes from director Takayuki Hirao and his anime studio CLAP.